vintage 3-string bankable cbg.

every once in a while you find a nice cigar box to work with.other angle view.
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  • My Dear Mr. Cajun

    Building a git boix from a Jack Daniels tin, I have seen your pics and Start-O-Nine tails suggested I contact you as to how to go about same. Thanks.

  • What guage strings are you using on it? It looks soooo kool!
  • Genius, genius, genius. I am always diggin' the Barefoot Cajun's latest creation. Simply killer.
  • Exquisite, as always.
  • brian you alway build the most unique guits and you didnt stop here, nice job
  • that is a fine looking guitar, where did you score that box? Also, I love the contrast in the neck/finger board, what are the woods you used there?
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