User friendly double necker

I have not learned to like doubles. The pretty ones seem to flashy and I would feel like a poseur with one. This one is a bit homely, but maybe I need to relic the box a bit? Suggestions?I built this to maybe play at the KC fest. I play GDg and DGB gits and thought this setup might save on changing guitars.It plays and sounds great acoustic and that surprised me. Sounds good plugged too. One piezo about centered in the box works for both necks.Playing one neck, the other does NOT get in my way.Have not put a stap on. Not sure how that will work out.
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  • Nice one, just play and enjoy and it will do it's own ageing/patina thing without you knowing it mate and be natural too. All the best, Chris. :)

  • nice. looks like fun one of these days ill have to play one

  • Thanks, Dace, Rich and Maddog.  Rich, it has standard fret placement for the two different scales - plus the smaller neck has some of my accidental trademark out of square frets.

  • Just watched the vid john and I must say I'm impressed, it sounds awesome!

  • nice. I am curious about the fret spacing ...

  • Great economy of sound hole, pickup and user perks. Soil the box, that's my vote...

  •  Another superb bit of work uncle, the necks look great,!

  • I think  you are right, JP.  Not sure how I want to do that  yet.

  • Nice build Unc.  Lookin' good.  I agree, you should dirty up that box a bit!

  • Thanks Vinyl, Maddog, jabes, Ryan and Lonman.   I canibalized 2 gits to make this one.  Ryan, I put off doing this quite a while.   Lon, I hope better days are soon comin'.   Like you last sentence.

    Maddog, I made a video with this.

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