Sweet Home Chicago

Sweet Home Chicago
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  • Tell you what works great for diddeys and fair for 3 strings, especially lap style.   A shot glass.

  • I hear 'ya Uncle John. It's just that I am all about 'found objects' and I'm too cheap to purchase a real slide so I make 'em out of bottles, etc. On some strings the copper seems to work nicely.

    FYI: galvanized conduit is terrible

  • Even better now that I read the name you gave it.   

    I've tried copper slides and thought they did not slide easily enough.   But maybe polished up would improve that. 

  • Grandpa--Yup. Box is mage from leftover oak flooring.

    Uncle John--Slide is an old piece of copper pipe.

  • Nice oak box.   Nice git.   Is that a copper or brass slide?

  • Great looking LPG. Made yer own box?

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