I like to make the body larger than the plate so I can put a roundover or otherwise smooth decorative edge on it. That way your arm is resting on smooth wood instead of the edge of the license plate. Much more comfortable. I usually cover the edge of the plate with leather lace (also doubles as a nice decorative "binding") anyways for this reason, and even went so far as to recess this particular one, but was too much work to make it worth it.
I like to make the body larger than the plate so I can put a roundover or otherwise smooth decorative edge on it. That way your arm is resting on smooth wood instead of the edge of the license plate. Much more comfortable. I usually cover the edge of the plate with leather lace (also doubles as a nice decorative "binding") anyways for this reason, and even went so far as to recess this particular one, but was too much work to make it worth it.
i like how you made the frame bigger than the license plate...i had never considered doing that.. but i like the way it worked out
Pretty plate and nice work. Love the binding.