Stones Box, Top

Woodburning of a guitar and then painted over the top of the Stones Box.
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  • Cheers Pick .... 

  • its already a nice   guitar  .. ;-)   and to  think ..  you  had to  ask  if these  would sell .

  • Trust me, I completely understand.

  • lmao thanks Stewy .... problem is ... I have to wear 2 pairs of glasses at a time to see now lmao

  • Holy snapping ginger cookies Careless got some talent going on here ....very very nice

  • lmao ... whats wrong Pick ..?? I'm hoping that this will turn out to be a nice guitar ... I plan on leaving the front clear so that it can have a resonator fitted ... nice and shiney with a mixture of paint and burning.

  • are  you friggan   kidding    me  ???   holy  humping   hampsters  !!!!  ..  that  there  is   talent  bud!!!   WOW  . 

     awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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