sound board vent detail

Many of you have asked how I get these designs into my soundboards. Its quite simple with a tiny drill bit and Dremel tool, a scrollsaw, and a pattern attached to wood, and most of all A LOT of tedious patience. It gets faster the more you do but remeber to take many breaks to rest the neck and back.
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  • guy next door ( in his 80's ) does scroll saw work and is very good at it ! But now takes the breaks you mentioned.

    Seems he was there sawing away for some time and his mind went kinda blank and he darn near cut his finger off and damaged another 2 fingers. In the hospital for 2 days and still no feeling in one finger yet months later !!


    From a tiny little scroll saw.

    LESSON : Pay ANY motorized tool its due respect or it will "BITE"  you !!!


                     And take a break from it all now and then :) 


    Reminds me when I was young and dumb a couple years back :) when I drilled a frickin hole right thru my finger.

    Tired, at the end of the day, wanting to finish up, dull drill bit, holding the part instead of clamping the part - all the tips that I should have turned off the lights and went inside the house. Oh I went inside the house alright - just NOT the way I figured I would.


    Good advice Todd !!!!!



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