Smámunasafns Sverris Hermannsson

I live in Iceland and there was a guy that lived here who never threw anything away. I mean NEVER. He kept everything and sorted and filed it all. He had a garage full of used nails all neatly categorized. 30+ kettles, thousands of light switches, radios not to mention an impressive tool collection etc... When he died the community were so impressed that they made a museum out of it. His name was Smámunasafns Sverris Hermannsson. To me this sounds like heaven but if the police were to look a bit closer at his death I bet they would find that it was his wife that killed him.
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  • See also Mr Straws House in the UK.

  • We need more people in the world with his attitude mate, too many people are keen on throwing stuff away, which can be good if you can intercept it before it's lost in landfill etc. Re-cycling is a good thing for us and I hope many, many thousands more like us, the world needs more C.B.G. re-cyclers!

  • Would think that here in the states, he would be a picker. One who collects things others discard, or buys cheaply. Some then resale for profit. A reference would be the television show here called American Picker.

  • Typo again - is there a spell check? Genius is what I meant

  • Smámunasafns Sverris Hermannsson should have been awarded a Nobel Prize for services to guy like us all over the world. Genuis. That museum must be a form of therapy...

  • Forgot to add a description.  I live in Iceland and there was a guy that lived here who never threwarrow-10x10.png anything away. I mean NEVER. He kept everything and sorted and filed it all. He had a garage full of used nails all neatly categorized. 30+ kettles, thousands of light switches, radios not to mention an impressive tool collection etc... When he died the community were so impressed that they made a museum out of it. His name was Smámunasafns Sverris Hermannsson. To me this sounds like heaven but if the police were to look a bit closer at his death I bet they would find that it was his wifearrow-10x10.png that killed him.

  • nice place...°<{:-) [---]==={...

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