Slingers on the Busk

It was Street Music Week in Spokane and the Slingers made their first public appearance busking for charity. We had a blast and I could see onlookers singing along with us.
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  • Thanks Kale! It was fun watching people trying to figure out what we were playing since Cigar Box Guitars are not a real presence in Spokane yet. We are working at changing that. One of the things that is satisfying to me is that everyone is playing a guitar I made.

  • Now THAT's busking!!!

  • Thanks Pieter! I have got nothing but great feedback for the participants. It was a new adventure for them.

  • Well done guys. It seems to me a fun time was had by all.

  • That’s why Greg and I bring the ladies AGP! I don’t know what the deal is but it’s easier to get women to play cigar box guitars, so I go with the flow.

  • "Well Done Slingers", A Pretty Bunch of Buskers!, except for the 2 guys in the middle. ;-D


  • Loose and in the Wild; you called it Rich! Keeps life interesting!!!

  • It was fun Uncle John and well worth our time. We picked easy, well known songs. As you know for a public performance you have to dress for the role!

  • They're loose !

  • Looks like fun and a nice venue.  That outlaw looking guy in black in the middle looks like Black Bart Thorsvik, the notorious 2 string CBG slinger.

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