Hey Unc! The York fest is streaming live! Unfortunately I won't see it....I'm going to visit my Dad and then mow our land over there. Touch base with ya later.
Two reasons: 1-reduce the mass inside the box. 2-the theory is to allow vibrations and sound waves to travel off the sound board and around the inside of the box more freely. They're small boxes so I'm just experimenting...don't know if it helps or not?!!! I've done some other stuff in there too, that can't be seen in the pics. I'll share my findings if it pans out.
PS. Lou, I forgot to mention....when you glue the pieces together, use lots of clamps! It'll make a good strong joint. Also, I need to give props to Uncle John for being the one to suggest this bit of strengthening! I will re-post a picture of the gluing/clamping to help clarify. Keep building!
Thanks Lou! Pretty simple....just stick with the same 1x2 you are already using and just glue another piece on below! In the picture above, the top piece is a 1x2 which goes all the way through the box. I've glued two additional pieces to the bottom of this 1x2, one inside the box and another on the outside to act as a heel/bolster. So a piece of the box will be sandwiched in between and glued together solidly once I do final assembly. It'll be rock solid then