roller tailpiece and headless head assembly

With the box bottom panel in place, things are starting to look like they make sense. This set of photos is an attempt to show the innards that will be inside the box, out of view once the box is buttoned up.
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  • works for me. you could make a small wooden winder, smaller than the peg heads, but would wind inside with a cordless drill or something. or glue our fit a small socket and use a ratchet.

  • The cavity is too small for my fingers, so I’ll do it the way a doctor sutures a wound. Grab the end of the string with hemostats, push the end through the eye in the peg, and pull it through with a second hemostat. I’ll dispense with the conventional method of a couple of wraps first. It’ll just mean more cranking. Admittedly less than convenient, but it’s not like I’m changing strings often. 

  • very cool. how do you get the strings "started" on the pegs?

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