Roaster lid

Custom roaster lid reso. So hot you can almost smell the roast cookin'!
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  • Thanks for taking the trouble to go looking for this Tor. 

    Plus I get to relive the joy of Unc's wicked sense of humor and vivid imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;-]]

  •  It looks great at the back to! It looks like a viking shield,real cool!I red Uncle John´s comment,he really knows how to make a man get a big smile in his face!

  • Now I'm LMAO!!   I have to confess, I've been a trouble maker most of my life!  Those people will have to get to the thrift shops before I do!

    Chaos is how the universe works and the only constant is change!   I love your sense of humor though....sounds like we'll get along just fine!

  •    Swenson, you are a trouble maker.  People are going to flood the thrift shops and good wills looking for roaster lids, serving spoons and tin cans.  Shoe horns too.  Prices on crappy old guitars on ebay will skyrocket with people wanting to license plate convert them.  People will be steel wooling perfectly good Martins and Gibsons and cutting roaster pan holes in the tops.

       You should have kept your crazy ideas in your head.  There will be chaos.  Change is BAD!


  • Ha!  I've had this in mind for some time now.  Don't know if anyone else beat me to it or not.  Seems like people have tried just about everything!  Thanks for the vote of confidence!
  • F*ing awesome!!! I'll be at the thrift shop tomorrow!
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