Very nice. Love the color on the fret board and the shape and color of the head stock.
You kind of sent me in the right direction to check out why to build a pentatonic fret board. I made one back in the autumn, but I added frets one and two because I use them a lot. It is a pretty neat setup that does make a player feel more like a pro.
I use those first two frets for walkdowns and boogie notes.
UJ--Thanx for your kind words. Yup, Pentatonic is fun! I really like your idea adding frets for a hybrid. Am planning that for a future build.
You kind of sent me in the right direction to check out why to build a pentatonic fret board. I made one back in the autumn, but I added frets one and two because I use them a lot. It is a pretty neat setup that does make a player feel more like a pro.