prototype domino didly (2)

A prototype DOMINO Didley bo.I built it this weekend,and took it in Sunday.Within 10 minutes it was sold.I think I'll build some more IF I can get more Domino boxes.It has the frets marked as usual,but also are "numbered" by using domino's on the frets.
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  • That's a very cool idea!
  • Great idea, Roger, I like the way you think, . . . .
  • Great job!
  • Very creative.

    With many smiles as i look at it!
  • After I got it to the shop, I realized that they'd look better if the necks were painted.
    So i plan to have some with colored necks that compliment the domino effect
    a vender in town bought it and wants to order 100 versions of this lil DB to sell at shows.
    I dont know if I can dig up 100 sets of domino's , or if I even want to tackle such a big job
  • nice build and very distinctive looking to say the least.
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