Octagon Mandolin

This one has a cherry body with redwood top. Not totally happy with the sound - I should have planned for the bridge to be a bit closer to the body's center I think. Oh well, I'll play it a bit then decide if changes are in order.
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  • Thanks Thumper!

  • Forgot to mention...I really like your build!!

  • 30 some odd years ago I had a guitar instructor like that....what a PITA!! He was good though so I hung in there and don't regret it.

  • You're right Thumper it's a curse disguised as a blessing! I sometimes play music with a young fellow who's blind and autistic but plays drums beautifully. He also has perfect pitch and is quick to tell you if your D string is flat. I'm so glad my ear isn't that good so I can happily play slightly out of tune from time to time!

  • Jim, you guy's with a good ear for music blow my mind, bad ears, hearing aids and can't carry a tune in a bucket, makes me think those of you blessed as you are have a harder row to hoe than I do LOL!! I think it sounds great. My problem would be accidentally touching the strings above the bridge occasionally.

  • Exactly Thumper! That's why I said I should have planned for it. Now if I make changes I'll have to remove the 15" scale fretboard and replace it with a 13" soprano uke fret board. That would pull the bridge 2" closer to the center and be slightly back from the smaller sound holes.I think that would improve the tone but the more I play it (and the more I think about that extra work) the more OK I am about it's sound. Give a listen to the demo vid and tell me what you think.

  • How will you change the bridge distance, doesn't it have to be equidistant from the 12th fret as the nut?

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