New crop of knobs for electric guitars

Yesterday's batch of knobs. I got a great batch of pen blanks. 50 of them. Laminated to start the process of knob making. I used spruce scraps from my soundboards for the white stripes. They look like candy. I got a great box on ebay. It's BIG! Even has a lock and key.
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  • Thanks Don, and I'm skull free...

  • Beautiful! Love the Crop O' Knobs! Purpleheart sure looks like candy but I wouldn't eat it!  Spalted knobs look cool!

  • Clock, I'd rather make knobs than cut grass anytime. Even when the wind is blowing the sawdust back at me. Don't get me wrong, I like grass just fine...

  • Hey Nemo, The purple is purple heart. There's some Bocote Mahogany, Padauk is red, some light tan wood with subtle but nice grain, some spalted Maple, The Spruce is from reject Marting guitar tops (I got some rejects on ebay, they split the tops down the middle). It's Sitka Spruce. I have edging from the scrap pile at our local timber mill. It's various oak, Mahogany, Walnut, Maple, Cherry. Slice and dice.. I'll try for some really close up shots, D.R. ...

  • Nice!  I'd like to see them closer up.

  • those look great with that spruce striping.  i'm guessing that the red is oak? the black is mahogany? and the purple??? i really dig that purple, not a color i see alot with woodwork...maybe ceder?

  • They're taking over the whole yard! l had a knob grass infestation once... it was actually rather charming.

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