New baby at the Bolton's. Baby shower coming soon.

Christmas came early. I have been trying to improve my six string standard tuning play and hoped to improve and reward myself with a factory built guitar better than my Landfill Loretta. I have an arthritic right shoulder (Dirt bike wipe out) and need a small body guitar to be comfortable.I tried a Taylor Mini GS about a year ago and loved the sound. Yesterday I tried one again and decided the lower bout was too big for my comfort. Then I picked up this little resonator guitar. It fit me comfortably. It was cheap. I am cheap. It sounded bigger than it is and everything seemed right. I checked it in every way I know.It is a Recording King and I think, made in Indonesia. In my opinion, that company has low end machine heads and poor quality control on set-up, finish and t fret jobs. I have refurbished and sold two Recording Kings. With good luck and attention, they came out good.I bought this litlte 0 sized resonator based on comfort, appearance and good playability in standard tuning. It was inexpensive. $250 U.S. dollars.I am a person who tends to have buyer's remorse. I brought it home and played it for a half hour or more in standard tuning. Pretty good. Then I tuned it to open D and got my slide out. W.O.W. I am a happy camper at this time. And still happy the next morning!I am a singer/player/harmonica player more than a guitar player. Open D is cool as heck and I can play it pretty well. But I have a small vocal range and it is mostly in G. Not D. Capoed to G, I can finger chord it and slide it a bit. The neck meets the body at the 12th fret.I may try open G today, but in the past, I have not liked that low D string in open G. The Rolling Stones (some of you may have heard of them) take off the low D and play as a 5 string. I have an old Sears guitar tuned that way. I don't want to do that with this resonator. I want the versatility of standard and open tunings.In the last ten years, I have been a home-made/ CBG guitar guy, kind of moving from 3 to 4 strings.... As long as I can play, I will not hang up my home made 3 and 4 string guitars.But if this new six string holds together, I think I have found a friend for the rest of my playing days.
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  • Thanks, guys.  A couple weeks later and I am happy with it.  A week of experimenting with tuning and then settling on open G - because it's my best singing key.  Working on improving my play.  

  • That's a neat looking guitar Unc J.  Enjoy your new friend.  Never owned a Reso... yet, but I do search around from time to time.  I reckon I'm going to have to blow the dust off the old Hofner...

  • Nice resonator there Unc. I love that size of guitar.

  • I love your demo Unc. Sorry for the wise crack about the silencer. :D)

  • Thanks, my friend.  I will give a video a try.  Mr. Reso is LOUD.  It may take time to learn how to use him.

  • I love the Recording King guitars Uncle. Music Go Round always has a good selection of them. I like the wooden resos. Mellow tones. Can’t wait to hear you play her. SCORE!
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