Neck changes

So I am thinking about cutting the neck at the blue lines and removing this piece so I can then place a shim under the neck side to give it some angle back to lower the action some, any thoughts?
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  • I got ya...I just didnt plan this as well or have the right tools to do some of the things I attempted...thanks for the help
  • Hi Brian
    yeah i've seen the video a long time since it's Jim Faris AKA jimfrets - in the video he's showing neck angle your right but in you description on the post you said

    "I can then place a shim under the neck side to give it some angle back to lower the action some, any thoughts? "

    neck angle and string action are not the same thing - neck angle creates clearance between the strings and Box and action means the height of the strings off the fretboard thats why i said in my previous post altering the neck angle won't set the action - action is set by the bridge and nut
  • Hey juju....this is the link to where I am getting my idea for angling the neck back.

    Have you seen this?
  • Hi Brian , i cant see how shimming the neck at either end will lower the action - what you need to do is lower the nut or bridge either or both , like ted says placing a shim under the butt end will give you a neck angle which will create more playing clearance between the strings and the box
    but i would not cut the neck at all that will make it prone to looking like a bananna once you tune the strings up ! then you will have serious action problems
    hope this helps
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