Soulcatcher bought this kick off Hollowbelly...originally an eBay purchase I think..I'm not sure but I think it's an 18" diameter. Both me and HB now use 16" toms that I converted with my own "jungle-kit" risers. The smaller drums are much more convenient for gigging and touring...and look pretty cool too. Once you mic. them up they work just fine, you don't really miss the size.
Soulcatcher bought this kick off Hollowbelly...originally an eBay purchase I think..I'm not sure but I think it's an 18" diameter. Both me and HB now use 16" toms that I converted with my own "jungle-kit" risers. The smaller drums are much more convenient for gigging and touring...and look pretty cool too. Once you mic. them up they work just fine, you don't really miss the size.
What's the drum 16" ?
..Soulcatcher looked to have a similar one (maple?) sounded great at Cambridge CBG fest.