to a cajun a yankee is anybody that lives above the interstate 10 highway line which runs east and west across the lower part of the state of louisiana haaaaaaaaaaaa. nice old photo here Rob.
To the world, Yanks are Americans, to Americans, Yankee's are Northerners, To Northerners, a Yankee is from Vermont, to people in Vermont, A Yankee is someone who eats cheese on their apple pie for breakfast.
As soon as I fighure out how to post photos. BTW my ancestors were rebs, 25th Virginia Infantry, Mollohan's Volunteers. They might have crossed at Gettysburg. I also thought about sizing down gravestone rubbings, because some of my great uncles were pickers and fiddlers.
Put that photo (copy) on a box that you don't like or has a messed up label. Shellac it over when done. I'm making one around a pic of my uncle in his coal miner garb, using the top of a miner's "bug light" as a resonator and my old belt tag as part of the tailpiece..
Nice builds
My mothers side were Yanks and fathers side were all Rebs.
Im a Reb born in Maryland but now living in New Jersey.
naaa hes sitting down.Fought at Gettysburg with 4 of his brothers.All survived.