I love your choice of inspiration. I've been collecting old relic bodies for lap steels. They are inexpensive and give me a tour of lap steel history. I can trace off the old relic onto nice wood or use the relic to rebuild making my own parts out of wood or aluminum to restore them to working. I see nothing wrong with this copycat idea. The past is there for our use. After all many start with a cigar box. Isn't that using the past to profit the future?
thanks for the kind words Dave. I've also done a couple danelectro style steels and even a bouzouki
I love your choice of inspiration. I've been collecting old relic bodies for lap steels. They are inexpensive and give me a tour of lap steel history. I can trace off the old relic onto nice wood or use the relic to rebuild making my own parts out of wood or aluminum to restore them to working. I see nothing wrong with this copycat idea. The past is there for our use. After all many start with a cigar box. Isn't that using the past to profit the future?
seeing as I stole the design from the danelectro convertible I guess and can't really say much about copycats can I?
This looks just like my first guitar.
A Danelectro Convertable. Which I still own and play regularly.
I hope you don't mind copy cats because I'm feeling very inspired right now.
Awesome, but not the sound hole location.
Awesome! I'm excited to see more...
From a masonite burl no doubt....
yum yum. ;-)
really more curly spalted masonite...
Nice choice of electrics to follow. I love Danelectros! Looks like a fine sheet of birdseye masonite.... Fine clean work there Harrison..