
It's official I am a new Dad (again)
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  • Hey there, thanks again to everyone for the well wishes! Tonight we head stateside, this has been the trip of a life time. Both of our sons making the trip with us has been the icing on the cake, but we are all ready to head home. 1.4 billion neighbors can be a bit overwhelming... LOL
  • Congrats Jim!! Keep safe over there and on your way back home!

    Best wishes to the family!
  • What a sweety!
  • Congrats Mr & Mrs Mitchell and little Matti hope you all have a happy life Enjoy :)
  • Thanks guys, it has been a special day for us, we just came back from the swearing in ceremony. What the picture does not show is Matti with her two older brothers, as you said John it's magic. We head home in two days... We are looking forward to it!
  • The smiles say it all-magic!
  • Congradulation. I wish you and your family all the best.
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