Couple of days before a video yet I think Darryl. I've come down with a bug over the weekend and earlier in the week. I'm just very good at hiding it in my voice on video I guess, since nobody seems to have picked up on it from the last video upload.
John, I'm massively accurate with a jigsaw. Massively accurate at messing things up. Still, not much can go wrong when you've got a Dani on hand. She's the must have accessory of modern times, doncha know! ;)
Couple of days before a video yet I think Darryl. I've come down with a bug over the weekend and earlier in the week. I'm just very good at hiding it in my voice on video I guess, since nobody seems to have picked up on it from the last video upload.
John, I'm massively accurate with a jigsaw. Massively accurate at messing things up. Still, not much can go wrong when you've got a Dani on hand. She's the must have accessory of modern times, doncha know! ;)
Good fit. I use a reciprocating saw (jig saw) like you two did. Some folks seem more precise using a dremel tool.
when do we get to see a video of this one in action?