Stringed up

Ready for some playing time ,and see how she play's.

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  • I do hope you enjoy playing yours went you have all the details attended to Andries! I have built two double neckers, so far. The first one I parted out; it was big and awkward to play. The second, and more recent, was smaller and also awkward to play, so it just  hangs on the wall. I think double neckers look cool, but I'm not convinced I can make one that I will actually want to play.

  • Thanks doug !it was not in the contest because i dont use a cigarbox on this one ! i  did think about gluiing one on to the bottom but that to low for even my standarts ,it was a tricky one mainly for the fact that the work in copper is much harder then the work in wood , and that you have to do every thing dubble like building two at the same time, just made the copper name plates on the headstock as a final tweek and stik working on a fine tuning for a composition for the vid, be reading you ! greeettesz A.D.

  • Wow! That is one distinctive double necker Andries. 

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