Yesterday, I became one CHARLIE...
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  • ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... 


    ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... 

  • ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... I got that feeling too John Roberts, I knew that too... your words alert us... you wish your friends open their eyes more... we all want to keep our eyes open as large as possible... 3 values of french republic are very important to keep the Peace safe "Liberté Egalité Fraternité"...I want these words become true for all people living in France (and keep it for myself too)....only after, i beleive in my own god, i don't know if he's really God...lol... but like a (bad) kid, i wish angels exist, in case they exist, it cost nothing to tell them what you wish for the others (and myself hahaha yes)...anyway i talk them into doing the good...

    ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... Calim, hey, show me your new guitar, i m one Rhythm n Blues fanatic...ha ha ha!!!

    ...first reason I (try to) play the blues, is  because i love that, but at same time i think we are living a woe modern time (economic crisis) and we all are victims... no happiness is possible for many people... every one here on Nation build his own happiness with guitars and music... It's a good way of life...I m sometimes very angry with bad people, I hope i'll never become a murderer myself, killing one guy, only because i hate him... i'll become crazy if murderers attack my friends or my family... maybe i ll want to kill the whole World... but i hope my friends will stop me... 

    ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... Clock, with no word you show the way !!!... Just have to look at that cover... and light one cigar... YES WE SPEAK TOO MUCH... and  we don't look at your videos enough lol...

    ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... i want to dream and imagine we are like strings of one guitar, each one is different, but together, we allow OPEN tuning for long and nice (sliding) blues time... each guy in a band is different, but make the show only for happiness of the others...

    241429001?profile=RESIZE_320x320THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH



  • To clear my point younger people are committing the act of putting a bullet in another person, no history or faith lesson. No difference if it a drug corner or a belief. If a guy has a gun and he thinks he is the biggest guy in the room he is.  If the same guy goes in a bar without a gun and challenges the biggest guy there he's rolling the dice. That's freedom.             Sometime you have to rise above your raising.  Dumb people follow each other into deep dark places that seem to have no way out. It has nothing to do with religion if you beat your child he very well may beat his.   We can never be one people Phill but it's a wonderful thought.

  • 306397684?profile=original

  • well i think you sum it up well sir Phill Hill Charlie, thanks for your winsdom and your positive words..

    my English is worst than yours ahah but you put in words what i have in mind ;)... what i tried to say is that it is not the Coran which make people become terrorist; but it is just some fanatics which use the words of  the Coran as some  kind of instrument of war by over-interpreting them and misinterpreting them; and washing the brain of some lost kids to turn them into fanatics monsters as well... 

    oh have to go finish one of these guits btw; 

    peace to everyone

  • I have said all that I have to say on the matter, so I will quietly slip out the back door. As I go I would like to leave this behind:

    ISIS has stated that they will "kill the Pope and fly the Islamic flag over the Vatican." 

    Here is my reply:

    "When the Pope is no longer in Rome, it is a sign that  the Age of Woe has begun." 

    And now you know. 

  • ......+<[:-) [+++]==={... I posted this picture because i wanted to tell you all, our CBG are our pencils, i did it to be with you in Paris, all my friends came with me... ok i ask nothing LOL... but was hearing your music remembering you message of friendship......+<[:-) [+++]==={...  

  • I didn't see your last comment Calim and John, i need long time to write two english words LOL, Yes John, you re right they follow their leaders who don't know koran and maybe never read it...LOL... i read some lines of Koran and Bible too... too long for me... i believe in angels you are, and play music i love, and Calim you show LOVE is the strongest... you are right too in building guitars !...

  • ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... Yes Gary Dylan is a great artist......+<[:-) [+++]==={... 

  • ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... One more time you are right John Roberts, these murderers decided to be muslisms... but first they are murderers, i know it s normal from people to think all muslism are the same... You have just to be careful because i know many nice muslisms...

    ...+<[:-) [+++]==={...I love your comments Nancy Kat and Clock... You are in my minds, in my heart, like all amercian people are since that horrible day in NewYork... a little part of my family is living somewhere in Rhode Island they went very often in New York for runs (to buy clothes, gifts...)...I m proud if you still accept me as one brother you all...

    ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... THOUSANDS OF THANKS MY FRIEND !!!... be good, strong and happy...

    Every one get one part of the truth...

    all together, we are strong and can participate for a better World doing only what we can... but never mind if some can't do something... remember it's not easy !

    To make love is better than to make war, since a very long time we all know that...

    LOL oh sorry for my english with mistakes but i love that language LOL

    LOL but TRUE

    ...+<[:-) [+++]==={... 

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