Posted by Steve Becker on September 6, 2009 at 9:45pm
The pickup is the first one I did with 42AWG wire. 5000 wraps. HUGE difference between this one and the one I built using the 30AWG wire from radioshack. Much better tone and volume. The bobbin is black walnut, and the cover plate is hemlock stained cherry.
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The wire from RS does work, but the wire from Stewart Mcdonald works better. I use an old crank style drill to wrap the wire. Each turn of the crank makes the drill head turn 4 times, so I count every 250 cranks and that gives me 1000 wraps. I mark it down with a pencil and crank another 250 times. It takes about 30 minutes. I found the drill at a flea market for $2.00