Hollowbelly's "The Plank"

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  • Hi Railroaddon , my ideas , well i love to observe things around me i guess it comes from there , for instance this is the plank before i started work on it - i knew wat sort of look i wanted and set to to achive it - i also had the idea of a glass bridge running around in my head for ages and when hollowbelly said make him a build i thought he likes JD how can i incorparate that into a build then it clicked a little JD Glass Bottle Bridge ! and since the JD bottle was alchol related i used the vintage bottle tops for control knobs and a Grolsch fliptop for the tail with a mod for the strings ! then aged everything with Sulphuric Acid , viniger , bleach , (NOT ALL MIXED TOGETHER DONT MIX ANY OF THESE SUBSTANCES TOGETHER PLEASE ANY OF YOU ) and thats abou how it came together juju PS thanks for your comments got a bit carried away with my description again sorry lol!

  • Cheers Tom my man , glad you like !
  • Very nice Juju!
  • Thanks Paul , i must agree with ya , shame i have to let her go :-(
    cheers bro
  • Gotta say,that is pretty damn awesome. Nice work!
  • Cheers Matte , i always thought if i made a solid bodied guitar it would look a little like a les paul lol! well maybe it's a little like les paul's MK 1 also called the Plank
  • Now that is cool! Way to think outside the box!
  • Thanks very much Ted , always good to have feedback from you , just glad i decided to take it on i was a bit unsure if i should at first - hollowbelly pushed me and said you can do it i know you can !
    Thanks Bro
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