Holiday Sale

The instrument part of my setup for our annual Holiday Sale. Our band, The Procrastinators played all afternoon for the event and i made some money. No instruments sold however. I sold pottery as usual. Lots of interest in the guits though and i turned one guy on to CBN! He's a builder and very interested...
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  • Christmas shenanigans. Ah, the patter of little feet shoveling snow. Ron, now your garden is tucked in for the winter. Just think of the R value... and the jolly old elf will soon be sent packin. ....

  • Nice lookin line-up there Dave!

    You guys only got 6" up there eh? Man we really got dumped on down here in the Cities. Well over a foot of the heavy stuff kept me pretty busy. I shoveled before leaving for work. My wife and one daughter hit it again while was a way and I needed to do the same after getting home from work.  Just when I thought I was free and clear, the plow came by sometime during the night so I had to go at it again the next morning just to get the cars out.

    Damn  I hate snow, kids with their snow toys and all this blasted Christmas shenaigans,...

    Opps, Sorry,  wrong thread ;)

  • Mass poverty. That's what keeps us humble. It was a fun day. Good pot luck, flute duet Christmas music and our jug band. I played my Zenon all day and got it tweeked to working great. I had my Gibson BR 9 also and went Hawaiian for a while.

  • It's a nice layout Dave, that's good you sold some pottery. Pays to diversify at these sales eh? Ya never know what will sell and what won't, if ya ever get the masses figured out as far as what they want let me know :-)

  • Ya Uncle John, we got about 6 inches of fluffy. Lucky it came after the sale. I stayed in all day Sunday and worked on big Red. And Thanks Wes, I've got a lot of instruments around here. I need to move some for room for more. 

  • Looks good.  Hear you got some snow!

  • On the table in front of me is the Zenon i've been working on. It came out great and plays beautifully. I have one fret to tighten up with superglue and I should go in and fix the tone pot with a different wiring diagram. It doesn't hurt anything but does not change the tone as wired now. I seem to do this every time. Maybe i'll get it someday.

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