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  • Cool history Stains.  I had one Scot/ex Brit soldier (ancestor) come to N America by way of Ireland.  We think he was given land in Ireland (for his service) and for some reason, it did not work out. 

  • thanks Hollowbelly, i'm gonna shave it back in soon i think! it's still pretty cold right now tho... hah!


    i've not right to get mean to the red coats John, the only thing that keeps me from being pure bred scot is i was born in cape breton! lol, however my family was kicked out once,  then for some reason let back in, and they started joining the british army i understand, my last relitive to live in scotland was John 'The General' Rankin (if what i'm told is true he was a field general... so they say.), and his son John 'The Bear' Rankin moved over here with all this borthers and their wives..... my sisters know the story better but i under stand both men where utter sweet hearts.... lol!

  • Diggin it.

  • Looks cool, Stains.  I  used to want one and never got it done.  Too late now. 

    Does it make you feel aggressive toward red coat soldiers?

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