Gabriel Back

Back and sides of this tenor is spalted maple, how many pictures can you see?
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  • Comrade Mark, interpretation of nature's key to the future of the vorld is not to be taken lightly vith

    superfishul tinking.   Ve must find out real answer to this enigma udderwise the vorld could be in

    great danger in 2012..und you must know about that..end of days/vorld on December 20th, 2012.

    Fortunenately ve have about 365 days minus 10 + 366-11 days to come up vith solution.

    Now, ve must ask permission frum Vaticano to interpret back..whether angles or ratsfest. or

    octopus vich predict vinner of world cup soccer last year...but he die.

    Spalting is not simple matter to interpret..fungus vich cause black message to be taken




  • Hey Mark and Carverman, and Roosterman,  you guys are made my day start out with a laugh ..thank you so much ...there is no way i can top those comments i am gonna mosey on and chat with my drill sgt. therapist... :D
  • He's sucking on that "segar" a little hard.

    Hey if hes smoking a cigar does that qualify it as a cigar guitar? LOL!

  • "So lets talk about your mother"........


    Crap now I see Rasta mon in dreads, I liked mine better!

  •  Pattie, You see "two angels with a dagger"? Hmmm..Sigmund Freud must pscho-analyze this intrepretation.

    Two angels..such as you see could be the two angels facing each other on the arch of the covenant (see Raiders

    of the Lost Ark)..und der dagger..could be the veapon of choice to defend good against evil in the world.

    It'a all perception und interpretation of der Rorschach "ink" test.   Der angles could be Michael and Gabriel...

    oh vait..we have run out of time ve vill continue with the meaning of interpretation.

    I still lke my octopus minus one tentacle...yes I am slightly bent!  LOL!

  • Aw man, someone scibbled all over it...!

    Lovely bit of lumber though :o)

    I see a cartoon rastafarian chap.

    Nose directly above the flash reflection, 2 eyes with obvious pupils, raised white eyebrows, lotsa hair...and is that a carrot hes smoking or......?

  • Whats amazing is it has both distinct tiger stripes and amazing detailed spalt. Just fantastic!

    And for the record, I see an eagle claw set over a stone pillar in the center, with a mirror image of some character on a thick fuzzy coat peaking around each side, he looks like something from a sixties rock album cover but I cant place it. Very Peter Maxish looking character...... Sgt. Pepper maybe? Little puppy dogs looking up at him too.....

    Too bad my memory isnt as good as my imagination!

  • Hey Carver now i see two angels standing face to face with wings and a dagger in the middle with a face on it..see i would fail the test lol ..Thank you :D
  • Hey Mark it could be one of "Those" test, but lets not go there lol..I would fail it !!!
  • Hey guys sorry bout the misunderstanding i in no way made it ..i bought that one couldnt resist it..wasnt cheap it though. Thanks for all the good coments.


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