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  • Thanks Jeff Reilly! I have family in Tasmania and Australia :) Nice that you like birds as well! Cool to see an Eagle fly up close like that, that must have been an awesome sight! I was, and still am devastated by the bush fires, terribly heartbreaking to think about the loss and destruction those fires caused!. So sad.. :( How is it now, are the fires gone? I really hope nature will recover quick, and your government will do everything to help restore what's lost.  I think we should think about that cultural burning in these times, I don't think its helpfull or responsible to do anymore. There are other ways to get a fertile soil. 

  • Very classy Guitar indeed , both my Wife and myself are avid bird watcher yesterday while fishing at out local spot we had a Sea Eagle fly extremely close to us to take a fish right in front of our eyes ,it often shows up as soon as anyone starts to fish there . There my favourite type of bird Raptors I think that’s what called . I Australia and especially down here in Tasmania you will find large birds of prey but I’m afraid after all the Bush fires we have suffered a tragic loss of a great numbers  of our Flora & Forna , So far here in Tassie we haven’t had any large fires compared to the rest of Australia is battling and I hope we can stay free from the till winter shows up and we can start to get back to Cultural Burning which means using methods that the Aboriginal owners used here for many thousands of years before any White Man stepped foot on this big beautiful floating Wok in the pacific called Australia . 

  • Nice! Birds are the wild animals that you see the most and therefore its easy to become a birder ;) Holland is really a birders country. We even protect nature by a bird guideline. So the habitat of the bird can be protected when certain (protected) birds are in that area. This also protects the habitat of other animals of course. I love to watch birds, seaguls and crow species are all around and nice to watch because they can be funnny and are really smart. The seaguls in the city are laughing out loud in human like way, so funny to hear. I always start laughing too when I hear that. Holland also is migratory birds country and has a lot of meadow birds. Common blackbirds and great tits :'D are everywhere! HAHA that sounded weird but its true :P Also a lot of Herons, woodpeckers, of course ducks gooses and swans, Jaybirds, hawks, sparrows, harriers etc. We also finally have some fish eagles in Holland. Never saw one but would love to see one! Enjoy the birds Uncle John, their presence and their sweet songs :)

  • Cool.  We are birders, my wife and me.  Not real experts but we know more than most.  This morning in our snowy yard: downy woodpecker, juncos, sparrows, house finches, cardinals, blue jay, mourning doves, rock doves (pigeons) flying by and a crow on a nearby tree.  

  • Thanks again Uncle John. They are feathers from the European common buzzard. I love those birds, and the name HighBird derived from a bird like that, that I saw flying high in the sky one day..

  • Those look like hawk feathers.  Wonderful guitar.

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