frankys revenge swamp witch guitar 3

video here THEME SWAMP WITCH .USED A PAGE OF MARY’S SCRIPT AS BACKGROUND ,AND ADDED SOME FRANKY FLARE. AN MIXED IT ALL UP ;-)ENJOY JOHN ;-)swamp witch guitars .grab yours here ;site http://swampwitchguitars.weebly.comebay
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  • vheers  duck  , 162  ;-)

  • I dig it!
  • Me likey!

    Thumper zombie?  A walking dead bunny?

  • unk ,  that's sew  funny  ;-)

  • Pick.  I think you nailed this one.  Pun intended.

  • thanx wes , maddog , thumper  zombie would be  fun  ..  havent  got a request  for one  yet tho. 

  • Nice gotta go zombie next LOL.

  • 306528055?profile=original

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