Floating saddle bridge

The disc`s pick up the vibration from the saddle
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  • Randy,

    If you have access to another of this box I will gladly buy it from you!! I have been searching for one for months for a pirate themed bass for a customer. The size and graphics are perfect but I cant find one anywhere!!!! Thank you so much for any help you can throw my way.

  • I just read an article about how the new expression system taylor is using has the piezos mounted vertically as well. Great idea
  • the Floating Saddle build

  • Clever stuff.
  • Always thinkin' aren't you Randy ;-) This is a hell of an idea, nice man!

  • Hmmmmm 

  • This was just the prototype to see if it would work, the next one I`ll use a bone saddle and do some fancy carving on it.

  • Great idea! Very cool! 

  • Wow! Pure genius..

  • 306055135?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Cut 20mm piezo disc in each end

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