I used to be a piezo die hard. They still go best with keeping a relic look. But good as most of my piezos sound - a good mag pup beats them. This one looks right too.
I think there's a place for chrome and flash and a place for subtle.
I needed a new direction but building something new wasn't the ticket. This build had a double piezo and I hated it plugged in. Did the pimp in about 30 minutes and now she has a real vioce.
nice .. i made one out of a simular jack tin ..(not elmar pups tho ) . ;-)
nice pimp, yo!
Looks good Hound.
I used to be a piezo die hard. They still go best with keeping a relic look. But good as most of my piezos sound - a good mag pup beats them. This one looks right too.
I think there's a place for chrome and flash and a place for subtle.
I needed a new direction but building something new wasn't the ticket. This build had a double piezo and I hated it plugged in. Did the pimp in about 30 minutes and now she has a real vioce.
Awww. Took me a while to figure what flat pimped is. An Elnar pickup? Great photo and a nice git.