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  • JuJu - master builder, electronics wizard and now Photo Shop expert.... Dude how can we humble mortals hope to keep up...That was awesome.... Jim
  • No Kidding I do need to try my hand at one of your pick ups... I'm just have not done electrics yet. .As far as your question goes, you know the answer for guys like you and me.... Both. LOL (well that is the nice part about building, you can make what you want. I do like the four strings.... I have 2 4 strings right now and the 4 string with double treble strings (so that's sort of 6 strings) I have one of Frank at Republic's resonators. So I thought the time was right to make a 3 string. Keni Lee Burgess told me his next videos are going to be on 3 string. This build has been very interesting as they all are. I ended up using a pot lid for the cone. ( Beat it to death to get the dish I wanted. The darn thing sounds good! More like a banjo. But then again it's the set ). Thanks again for your comment. I have a feeling when I get one of your pickups it's going to be in one of those fine planks that you make.. Now that's what I'm talking about...
    I am looking forward to seeing the cone you come up with. I can't wait to buy them from Stew Mac. Will you have a discount price for your friends here on the Nation or will we just buy them from the add in Fretboard Journal.... hehehe
  • hehe! :)

  • yes mate i know from previous experiance just what a pain in the butt these Resos are to set-up - there a real labour of love to get that cone at the right hieght - too high or too low and they just don't sound right
    i still have a couple of Reso sets myself i'm itching to make another reso but i'll be doing the same as you and making my own coverplate
    so do you like the three string or four string reso best - think i'll be going towards the Three string next build
    theres just one thing missing from your build .......... a nice three string juju pickup :) lol!!

    great job bro
    juju :)
  • Hey JuJu thanks.. Yes I am getting into these resonators. You know it can be pretty tricky to get them to sound right. I changed the neck angle on this one, did not do the sunburst and not nearly as much of the relic-ing that I have been doing recently. Unfortunately the light is all wrong in this picture so it does not show the cover plate very well. I really like the new design in person. I did pay more attention to the neck and just trying to keep a very clean simple little 3 string build. Using light gauge strings tuned D-A-D. I have a number of cones on hand and expect to build more still... They are not the typical CBG to setup so I find them quite challenging and interesting. Take care man, thanks again for the kind words.
  • another sweet build Jim your gettin into these resonators :)
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