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  • Vex em if they can't take a joke.

  • :)

  • I don't take those, the world is vexed enough without pics of me floating around.

  • Pat, were you taking selfies - self portraits?   The camera freezes up when I take selfies..    

  • Cold here too, had -12 at the cabin along the river this a.m.  BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! Took some pics and the camera froze up, had to keep going back inside to warm it up. I was cold too :-(

  • Ha Uncle John well you got me beat!! Its a heat wave here at 8 degrees above zero. Might go outside for a bit after all.

  • -9 here this AM, Jason.   Likely no playing in the shop for me. 

  • You never know Uncle John. But I would def. wait till spring.  :>)

  • Thanks guys!!  :>)  Three new ones in the middle. Should keep me busy in my nice warm guitar room in the basement. Way to cold to go out and work in the barn.

  • Hang em High, Highwood that is! Cool Jason!

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