VIDEO HERE I SAID ,….. IT’S DINNER TIME !!!! )SWAMP WITCH GUITAR FOR JAMES O.Giving The gift of swampwitch ;-)It seems gifting a swamp witch guitar has become a generous trend on CBN .A few members have taken it upon themselves to gift another member with a swamp witch , in a kind and considerate act, showing some true colors of this website family .In the latest generous act, not too long ago , our dear friend Nancy Kat , was gifted a swampy by RTZ … and now , in an act of paying it forward , she decided to get one for James O , who has wanted one for a long time now .so I offered to cover some costs and pay the shipping . and Uncle John asked to chip in too . ;-)Enjoy James O ;-)Keep on setting the example folks .. you rock !!! ;-)And any member wishing to gift a swamp witch guitar , just contact me . we will work to make it happen , and ill chip in to help.Theme choice was an omen of things to come , now that he has a swamp witch ;-)Large Outhouse window is the sound hole . (there’s a joke in there somewhere .. ) ;-)Enjoy James O . ill pm you for your address where to send ;-)swamp witch guitars .grab yours here ;site http://swampwitchguitars.weebly.comebay
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  • yours  has a  full eclipse  UJ  ;-)

  • Hunh.   Just noticed the moon sound hole.  My dang swampie does not have a moon hole sound hole.   Screwed again,  

  • James Brown is still dead.  My ankles are healing and I enjoy my Swampie and miss James Brown.  

    Well, a little James Brown can go a long way.

  • ;-)

  • Ouch ! That would Hurt Oh Well as long as I don't Drop My Swamp Witch I'll Hold on to it  LOL

  • sacrilege !   ;-)

  • and let any person who plays a swamp witch guitar™ be lashed by the ankles and dragged through the town in shame.... 


  • packed and on the way in the morn  ,  usually   takes  3  to   6  days  to  arrive from  canada .


  • Great Pictures Pick Still Hard to believe that's Mind Man can't hardly Wait!

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