ENTER TO WIN THIS Donated swamp witch GUITAR.To be raffled at the 2019 ST Louis cbg fest JUNE 1STLocation: HWY 61 RoadhouseStreet: 34 S. Old Orchard Ave.City/Town: Webster Groves MO 63119Proceeds of which go to "SIX STRING HEROES" . a charity that provides service members suffering from PTSD free music lessons and free store bought guitars .healing through music .FOR TICKETS AND INFO CONTACT:SMILING DOGhttp://www.cigarboxnation.com/profile/smilingdog1ORGary Hergethttp://www.cigarboxnation.com/profile/garyhergetA bit different guitar this year , “DEAR JOHN “ A piezo powered Typewriter / Dear john letter / Service member theme witch , with a kalimba , with typewriter key heads as the kalimba tines . (they worked surprisingly well ) and since I don’t like piezos too much (but this guitar needed one ), I installed a caramel resister cap on it so it doesn’t sound like a cat being pulled through a keyhole, and you can crank it up a bit more without hearing the hair on your arms rubbing against the neck. Etc .. I also forward mounted the piezo , then added a metal bridge brace to the back of it to direct sound from strings and kalimba more evenly . even redneck grounded to the metal plate.She’s a turtle of a different feather indeed.Top mounted neck ,Typewriter / Dear john letter / Service member theme .Typewriter partsEnjoy .! Enter to win , or help a good cause .TICKETS ON SALE NOW . 5 BUCKS EACH , OR 5 FOR $20YOU DON'T HAVE TO ATTEND TO WIN .
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Thanx Poorness ;-)
Used an old bridge off an old acoustic .. and cut it to size.
Contact gary for a ticket
Gary Herget
or smiling dog
trying to figure out how to buy a ticket.
pick, tell us about the tailpiece/bridge. sweet.
Clever idea with the typewriter keys.