I've jammed amps into a few oddball items now, but this one takes the cake. This was an old dashboard heater. 1 watt circuit using a LM386N-4 op amp chip. Volume and gain. Custom lighting. It kind of sounds too bright though as the shell is plastic. Any suggestions on the best material I could use inside it to dampen and take some of the highs out of it?
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It's a 5 component circuit based on the Little Gem. Uses a LM386N-4 chip. The output capacitor is 220uf electrolytic. Input starts at a 0.001 ceramic cap. There is also a 100uf electrolytic in the mix. I can't seem to attach a pic of the circuit here.
You could also bump up the input capacitor? Which circuit did you use? The recessed speaker is acting like a megaphone & projecting the highs? Good luck
Yes, I’m familiar with the lil’ gem, I would definitely try to bump up the input cap. Anywhere from .01- 0.1 ?
You could also bump up the input capacitor? Which circuit did you use? The recessed speaker is acting like a megaphone & projecting the highs? Good luck
Bump up the output capacitor or move the speaker closer to the opening?