Crown Terada relic rebuild final

She's all done except a future spring and trem bar addition. I've done my setup with the new neck and nut and she's purring like a kitten. She's light weight and pretty. Cupcake knobs, Cherry bridge. I'll take her to the jam tonight to giver her her debut.
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  • Hey Chris, thanks for tip on the final polish. I haven't found a good one here yet, but i'll look for your brand "T-Cut". The snow went just to the East of us by a few miles. It's still snowing over in Wisconsin and Michigan as i write. You can see all of what i've been up to by clicking on my photo or name and you'll go to my page. There you can find all my photo albums. Go to relic rebuilds and archtop guitars (two albums). You'll see more than you care to. Thanks again Chris. I've got an auto parts store less than a block away. I'll be buffing soon. .... Dave
  • Hey Dave send some pics, very interested in what you are resurrecting mate, going to see if I can find some old relics to work on myself. Snow at this time of year? The weather world wide is upside down! My youngest son lives in Madrid and they have gone from 75 degrees to 8 in the space of a week, Spain with snow drifts is unbelievable but that's the way it is. When you are doing the final finish and a couple of months when the finish has hardened off I would give it a good T-cut polish, maybe you don't call it that but the car paint reviver, makes a big difference mate, all the best and keep in touch, Chris. :)

  • Hey Chris, we've got 4-6 inches of snow predicted for tonight. This winter just won't let go of us. I'm glad to have another relic on my bench to fuss with. Just sanded and wooled her. First coat of varnish on her bottom. She'll be as pretty as the Terada but with a few more wrinkles. To the luckiest man alive. Give music to those grands... Dave
  • Thanks Darren, nice tube amps you've got there my friend... Wish i could hear this lady through one of those babies! ...!++!
  • oh man nice dave .

  • Dave that is great news, bet your gigs are awesome, the little lady stood by you bless her, like my little granddaughter she is three and mega loud with a voice well beyond loud for less than three foot, but heard she will be, got to be a blues singer without doubt mate. Shame we are all so far away as I would love to see you play live mate, missed my eldest son as I was mega ill but hopefully recovering now and survived the lousy winter. No sign of summer, my youngest son lives in Madrid and has just gone on a ramble somewhere in Spain, God I miss him big time but his older bro just lives down the road with my beloved grand kids, lucky me, I am the luckiest man alive, Chris. :) Keep int ouch mate. Long live the Nation!!!!! 

  • Chris, she didn't let me down at all. She plays like a dream and those pups are HOT! The whole song circle liked her. I play in an acoustic group. They are warming up to my relic electrics. I don't play too loud so everyone can be heard. It's the mellow bass sound i like. I play the bass melody along with a washtub bass. We play off each other and have a good old time. We play irish music also and the Terada sounds great in the D position up the neck for finger picking.
  • Looks amazing Dave, hope she did not let you down at the gig, Chris. :)

  • Thanks Uncle John. I'm very pleased with her.
  • Very nice work and outcome, Dave.

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