Cigar boxes on wall of shop

My wife and I have a shop called: the Social Studies store' in the mountains of Cumberland, Maryland. I started building cigar box guitars about a year ago, and recently started putting them up on the wall of our shop. Sold 3 the past month to tourists 'who just had to have one', for the son, husband, whatever. Had a country/western musician come in this past week and plunked every one and said that 'they are players' and are correctly intonated- which is a bugaboo with me. i find that the Padron box sounds the best acoustically (they are all electric), and the doggie dish and a previous resonator sound more 'banjo-y I'm using washers for sound holes with pipe smoking wire mesh, and kitchen hinges sawed off for tailpieces. I take Fender Strat tailpieces apart and make 3-4 strings with angled aluminum'. It's getting better all the time!
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  • Thanks for the good information, Ernest.  Best wishes.  Oh, one of my fave artists here on CBN is Jim from Tucson.   You might enjoy his photos.

  • My wife and I were both New York artist/professor types for 33 years- traveling and videotaping for our own projects, all over the world. In 2004 we left and settled in the mountains of Maryland.  Our shop 'the Social Studies store' sells wood and brass handicrafts, silk and cotton scarves and bags, and other goods from southeast Asia made by tribals, NGO's working with ladies and men who are HIV, land mine victims, impoverished peasants etc. Each winter we shut down for 4-5 months and head out to India, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Nepal.  We cut out the middle man by buying directly from the producers who are small and impoverished.  That's our model and er are in our 9th year.  We are a fair trade, 'green' operation.  It's work, but it's fun. There are a lot of people like you cigar box creators out in the world.  If you like hand made objects, satisfaction guaranteed.  Language skills not required.  Craftsmen know each other when they see what each other makes, no matter what country!

  • Those are nice!

  • Very nice.   A lot of folks extol the Padron box.  I am curious.  What does your store see besides CBGs?   And have you tried an LPG?

  • great  lineup !!

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