Cigar Box Guitar Necks

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, scored this free item from a recent roadside pickup, which was rejected by a neighbour, most people would recognise it as a Table, but all I could see was Cigar Box Guitar Necks. :-D
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  • "Thanks BQ", this table spent a little bit of time , in use, on our front porch, did acquire a few beer stains etc., which will sand out, but has since been replaced with another lovely Non-Chipboard Table, made from Acacia Wood and Glass.  :-)

  • "Thanks UJ", My free recycled Neck supply was getting a bit on the low side, these 14 and the recent 9 laminated ones I did should keep me going for a little while, also have a few pieces of Tulip Poplar left from that trusty old Piano, that could be cut down for Necks.

    Pity you can't accommodate the derelict Piano, they do contain a healthy supply of useable CBG material, I've given up trying not to build any more CBG's, with the Covid restrictions and risks involved with travel at the moment, a mans gotta do something while stuck at home, to lower the risk of going "Stark Raving Mad", so there will be more builds to come, now have a healthy supply of Necks, Biscuit Tins, and some recently purchased Wine Carry Box's, and as I've said before many times, the availability of good size Cigar Box's down here is very limited, but I did mange to find some very nice Cedar Cigar Humidor Box's on Ebay for a reasonable price $15AUD, so I bought 3 of them.  :-D  


  • "Thanks Doug", Cigar Box Guitar Addicts like me, see everything and anything as potential CBG build materials.  ;-D

  • That’s too kool, all I ever see in the states is particle board furniture!

  • Very good saves and necks.  There is a derelict upright piano across the street by a dumpster.  I know some of what you did with one.   Tempting.  But I have no place to put it and I am still trying not to build.  However, I was looking at a red Swisher Sweets cigar box this morning and.............

  • You are on it AGP! It’s all about vision, and you can see better than most. It’s only a matter of time till I can say “well played”!

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