cheese box guitar

No.2 Cheese box Guitar. This time he's on the right side holding my cheese box guitar. It's amazing the sound you can get from a cheese box. It sounds pretty guda. Ugh. After I made my first Cigar box fiddle, my friend says " we need to make a me a guitar out of one of those". We play strictly acoustically and thought a cigar box wouldn't make a good guitar. SORRY GUYS. So we began to think of what would. I says, says I, what about a cheese box. My friend says, yeah, and my wife just bought one. He goes and gets it and hands it to me, saying, here ya go. Well so much for "WE, need to build one". So, I take it home and dismantle it and glue it back together. These things are just tacked or stapled together. Not the best construction acoustically. I added a dowel from the tail to the neck block to add strength. Carved a neck of oak. Unfortunately it is not wide enough for 6 strings. I only got 5 on there which was later deemed either too many or too few. I have not perfected the art of fretting and thus it was a fret-less guitar. My friend did later add enough frets to where could play it though. He's thinking now of adding a fret board to it from an old guitar. should sound good. It had good tone played open, but as soon as you try to chord it, the sound died.
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  • Hey great Craig. It's a deal. The message button is right under your name above. Thanks for wanting to trade. I'm all smiles. ... Dave

  • Hi Dave, Love to trade CDs. Handsome lookin group. OK, Where is the message board on this thing. I like the bass bucket. Cool!

  • Nice box bass. Wana trade CDs Craig. Our first CD is "Better Late than Never". Here's the cover photo of our group and you can see the washtub bass under Steph's foot. I'm the guy with the tenor banjo.305843059?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thanks. This is the CD cover of our first album. Our re-enacting group is a "mess", A group of fellows that prepare meals together, share chore, etc. You may have notice the big frying pan in one of the photos. Well, we actually cooked 7 pounds of bacon in it. Thus, our bands name. 7 Pounds of Bacon Mess Band. We were going to name our 1st album; "Messing Around", but after listening to it, I said "What a Mess" might be better. Notice the Cracker Box Bass.

  • Another cool photo. And great story. Thanks Craig.

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