Cedar hand carved Viola

I took her to music last night and she did great. I broke an entire set of viola strings trying to get her tuned up too high. Now she's tuned in a D tuning. That is : BEAD from top high string to bass D. I play her in my lap like a little cello.
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  • Nelson so far this is my favorite. A very mello tone. Karin's fiddle is very loud and sweet sounding. In her hands it will fly! But I like this one best.
  • No amp yet. All acoustics. I,ve made two fiddles, a "bowed diddley" (two string cello), a Viola and a 4 string cello in the works.
  • II'm still paging through .  June has been a great month from the viola to the cello body. I know if I dig deeper, I'll find more of your bowed instrument phase.  Will any be amplified ?

  • Hi Unc. I've been making a case for Viola. She,s going to ride in style. It's big though. All cedar so it's light as is possible. I don't know why but fiddles seem to need a case...
  • I'm not quite that smart, Dave.   Great looking viola.  

  • Must of had rocks for brains Unc. I did my back on a truck load of Lake Superior rock when I was 20. Got stuck on the beach and had to unload the truck, get unstuck. Drive off the beach then carry the rocks to the truck and load it again. The bad back has been my Bain to this day... I,m dumb as rocks.
  • That looks wonderful, Dave.  

    That rock has given me a big clue.  I've got a bum knee that started Thursday.    I went to the quarry Monday and got about a half ton of rock in 5 gallon buckets then did a lot of hands and knees landscaping work.   Maybe that's what made me gimp.

  • Thanks Mark. That means something coming from you. I like working the cedar.
  • Nice work Dave. Looks great.

  • Oh Clock, yeow to you too...
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