I made a pattern on card stock and cut it out with an exacto, then traced it onto the lid, removed the lid, drilled the extreme ends of the Fs with a brad point bit, then cut shy of the line with a scroll saw/jig saw. One could easily cut it with a coping saw by hand, too. I then cleaned it up to the pattern line with files and an exacto (I'm certainly not an expert with a jigsaw, so I went slowly). When you are done, you still have to look at the top from a a distance, since your eye will easily pick up any asymmetry that is less than the width of a mechanical pencil line.
Thank you guys-- really enjoyed the challenges. It has a scarf joint head, mother of pearl inlay dots, side position dots, and I tackled a piezo pickup and electronics soldering for the first time. Me and the kiddo earned a great deal throughout. I'm hooked :)
sweet lookin!
Scott, How did you cut these F-holes?
Very nice.
Very nicely done, and with a good eye for detail.
Great job!