That's 14 if you count the tin fiddle and a couple of failures that became other things. I'm starting to get used to playing the Uke type headstock. Plus it's a lot easier to make than the traditional scroll.
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Thanks everyone! Battmann, the answer to both questions is yes. I've devised a rather tedious method of radiusing the fingerboard and I only use it when I have a particular piece of wood I want to use. In this case I used an ebony fingerboard salvaged from a busted fiddle. Or for about $10 bucks you can get very nice ones from e-bay. I usually cut the heel at around 10 degrees to get the neck angle but I hold it in place first and draw a line so sometimes it's give or take a few degrees. A bit extra work but hey - I don't have to do no frets!
Today I'll bring it up to tension and do a demo.
Thanks everyone! Battmann, the answer to both questions is yes. I've devised a rather tedious method of radiusing the fingerboard and I only use it when I have a particular piece of wood I want to use. In this case I used an ebony fingerboard salvaged from a busted fiddle. Or for about $10 bucks you can get very nice ones from e-bay. I usually cut the heel at around 10 degrees to get the neck angle but I hold it in place first and draw a line so sometimes it's give or take a few degrees. A bit extra work but hey - I don't have to do no frets!
Wow, that is awesome work you did!
I like it Jim!
very nice. Is it difficult to make the fretboard and get angle correct?
Wow nice cgb fiddle Jim