Carved cedar viola

Top fit in position as well as fingerboard. She's coming together.
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  • Thanks AGP. Slowiola...
  • " Voilà a Viola ", Very nice Dave, I do envy your Craftsmanship. 

  • The sound holes will come once the top is glued on Termoking. I'll belt sand bowing pockets on either side of the bridge. The top edge will be sanded off about 4inches each side exposing the kerfing strips. They'll be large compared to a real viola. And they'll look like eyes.
  • Cool project!

    No sound hole(s)?

  • I like collaboration Jim. I love seeing and hearing what you are doing. These box fiddles are a blast. I,m just tickled. Thanks Pick. And thanks for the "trouble shooting" on your newest Jim. I learned something.
  • Oh, except that I still haven't actually carved a top like that.

  • That's very nice Dave! Our builds are starting to look eerily similar. I might have to stop stealing ideas from you!

  • NICE!!!

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