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  • Bluesheart, if I had the space, money, time, etc., to take care of more of them I would. Hmmmm, lets see, "Beaucoup Dog Guitars", yeah, that has a nice ring to it! LMAO!
  • Only thing better that two dogs is  , well.............. nothin'!
  • Thanks very much mate i appriciate it :) - both the dogs are also from the shelter the one that just died lived on the streets for 10 years with a alcoholic but the last four years of his life he had it real good with us and for all the shite he had in his former life on the streets he was a cracking dog

    the dog we still have came from a abusive owner used to leave him outdoors all day and night in a Cage he could barley turn around in and if he barked the owner would beat him some people just want a bullet to the head - but yet again hes a fantastic house dog and very loyal hard to beleive the shite he's had in the past

    juju  :)

  • JUJU, My extreme condolences! I went through the same thing last spring with one of the original "Two Dogs". We later adopted Audrey from a shelter in KY. She had lost an eye, was heartworm positive, and pregnant with 8 pups. That is all behind her now, we couldn't do anything about the eye but all else is good with her now.


    Again, I am so sorry for your loss.

  • No problem mate until three weeks since i also had two dogs but sad to say had to have one of them put to sleep he had cancer and sadly could not be saved miss him like crazy and so dose his buddy that he left behind thats the only down side of owning a dog but have to remember the many good times and what a loyal friend they are - enjoy them mate :)



  • JUJU, Yes they are! And thank you for saying that. They are the main reason I build guitars, hence the name "Two Dog Guitars. Most of what I make from the guitars goes to their food, grooming, veterinary care, and anything else to improve the quality of their life. Thanks for that kind comment, that means a lot to me.



  • sweet pair :)
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