Build 6

Build 6
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  • Like I said, I really like trying different approaches  to stuff. I hide the failures and try to share the successes. The zero bridge and nut are the most useful successes so far. I switch back and forth between fingering and slide and like being able to change action easily.

  • This is so nice looking too. Great idea never seen this before! I like how the bone does the work of guidance, then you can switch out gauges for the hight, really versatile dude

  • Danny B,

    Here is a photo of a zero fret nut. Imagine a similar setup at the nut and you can see how changing action height is as easy as swapping pins.


  • Hello Danny B. Sorry for the delay in responding, but my PC seems to have a problem loading CBN lately. Anyway, here is the response to your question.

    1. I have used the adjustable bridge several times since the photo I posted. I don't post every guitar I build.

    2. I'm always looking for new ways to do things, so in addition to the screw adjustable bridge, I have tried other methods. For instance, I have used what is essentially a "Zero bridge" where I insert a round pin in front of the bridge string guide grooves. The advantage is that it allows me to change the action height easily. Another advantage is that it is simpler than the screw bridge system.

    My main reason for building CBGs is to experiment with ideas, so I usually change design with each new build. Some ideas work and some.............................

    Anyway, the screw bridge works well, but I think there are easier designs that allow easy action adjustment.

  • Been scribbling out some ideas I had and I was looking to see if anyone else had the idea of adjustable bridges, this looks pretty slick... but it looks like you never did it again, despite reported success. Can you explain?

  • It gets a good bit of playing. Some days you just want that deeper sound of a neck pickup and this is my go-to for that. As you may have noticed, I love the Black Tabak box. It is big, deep and just looks good. I keep resisting the temptation to build a 3rd Black Tabak guitar.

    So many guitars to play and so few hands.........

  • The more I look, the more I like.

  • Thanks,

    I really like the warm tone you get from the single wound pickup mounted up toward the neck. This is a good rhythm guitar.

  • This one is quite pleasing too.   You have a good eye for design.

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