...°<[:-) [---]==={...Big thanks toLES TRIPLETTES DE BONNEVILLE(Frank,Gil,Jean)LEADFOOT (Steeve,Kevin)Nigel Mc TRUSTRYTHE SLIM PANATELLA’S (Don,RobetHamish)VDREAMAUTO (Stéphane and his friends…)ALAIN AND HIS PANHARDSandCATHY, CHRISTELLE, CHRISTINE, FANFAN, MUMU, MURIEL, MICHEL,PATRICIA, MICHEL, STEPHANIE, VALERIEfor their help (bar, and diner)HAMET (the cook) and his staffoutdoor security for us car exhibition and parking, and for peopleALFREDO,BRUNO,JEROME,PATRICE,PASCAL.Sound system, light and videoTHEOMOJO, PASCAL,PHILL HILL BILLY.outdoor organizationALAIN,GERARD,HENRY (Président of ABCL),PIERROTandDavid CANOVA for Newspaper "Les Nouvelles de Rambouillet"and big thanks toStimy V Watt, TheoMojo,LES FABULEUX BLOUSY BONE SHAKERSAND ALL PEOPLE WHO CAMERENDEZ-VOUS NEXT YEAR...LePrésidentHENRY
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Great photo from a great time!:}
Yes James, thank you... it's looks like a Friendship Story!...°<[:-) [---]==={...
great picture !!!