Aug 2024 Vaca Canjo

Had a spare hour, 10 bucks of parts, an emptied can calling... of course! :) -Glenn  more detail? )

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  • Brian Q., thx for that tip, just hit the H. Depot and got 3 of the 21 in. sticks free, amazing how strong they are! -Glenn

    • cool You can also get free samples of Corian at HD, 2-3" squares are perfect nut & bridge material?👍🏽

      • BrianQ., Corian... hmmmm... I better check dat out too! Thx Bro! -Glenn


  • Indeed Doug, ha! Hope your summer has been peaceful! -Glenn

  • I can see you spared no expense Glenn! Another fun build.

    • HA, yup Doug, sparing nooooo expense suits me :) -Glenn


  • BrianQ, 3 for $1.27 at Wallyworld so hey. Between the 20 ga. wire and the other parts (all of which I didn't use so more for other builds, etc., 10 bucks. Can was free of course. Cool you can get the sticks at H.D., I often go there too... great idea! Yeah I figured 3 of 'em would do it but only needed 2, purty grain too. -Glenn

  • Nice, you can get those for free at Home Depot up the road from my house, some of those mixing sticks are pretty thick!

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